Devoll Jekyll Theme

Documentation by Andy Lu

Thanks for buying "Devoll", a creative responsive Jekyll theme for many purposes, it could be used as company, design studio, business or portfolio websites.


~ $ gem install jekyll
~ $ cd devoll
~/devoll $ jekyll serve
# => Now browse to http://localhost:4000

HTML Structure

This template is based on foundation framework, to understand what the "row" and "column" classes mean, please refer to the foundation documentation.

  HTML files:
    1. blog.html -> the blog layout file
    2. default.html -> the default layout file
    3. post.html -> blog post layout file
    1. index.html -> the blog index page
  about.html -> the about page
  index.html -> the homepage
  portfolio-item.html -> the portfolio item page
  portfolio.html -> the portfolio index page
  services.html -> the services page
  contact.html -> the contact page

CSS Structure

The CSS files are based on foundation framework.

  CSS files:
  1. fontello.css -> fontello icon font
  2. foundation.scss -> foundation framework
  3. style.css -> main style
  4. font-awesome.css -> font awesome icon font
  5. normalize.css
  6. main.sass

Javascript Structure

  Javascript files:
  1. app.js -> main javascript file
  2. foundation.min.js -> foundation framework
  3. jquery.appear.js -> jquery plugin
  4. jquery.countTo.js -> jquery plugin
  5. jquery.min.js -> jquery itself
  6. modernizr.js -> just modernizr
  7. imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js
  8. jquery.easing.1.3.js
  9. jquery.sequence-min.js
  10. jquery.validate.js
  11. json2.js
  12. libs.js
  13. masonry.pkgd.js
  14. slick.min.js

Contact form

It's just a placeholder, just the design, you have to implement the backend for sending email, usually that is done by a PHP script.

Version and updates

Version: 1.0

Date of release: 2015/04/15

  * initial release

Version history:
  * 2015/04/15 initial release


  1. Raleway:

Javascript files:
  1. foundation.min.js:
  2. jquery.appear.js:
  3. jquery.countTo.js:
  4. jquery.min.js:
  5. modernizr.js:

Thanks again for purchasing this template.
Please contact me via if you want to.
And please go to your themeforest downloads page to rate this template when you have time.